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A dramatic fight for the life of Mr. Sławomir. The Pole's condition deteriorated significantly

Published: 25.01.2021

Information about the deteriorating condition of Mr. Sławomir - a Pole who remains in hospital after being disconnected from feeding and hydration - is coming from Great Britain. British hospital authorities are preventing the patient from being transported to Poland, despite the consent of the Polish court. Polish doctors and the "Budzik" (eng. “The alarm clock”) clinic are ready to provide the necessary help and care. If the decision to transport Mr. Sławomir back to Poland is not made by today, it may be too late for the transport.


Our compatriot has been in hospital in Plymouth since November 6th, 2020. He was admitted there after his heart stopped beating. The management of the facility applied to the court for permission to disconnect Mr. Sławomir from feeding and hydration. The hospital authorities did not hide the fact that the Pole’s organs would be made for transplantation. The court agreed to kill the man.


Polish and British doctors spoke out in defense of Mr. Sławomir's life. They argued that the patient, in an earlier period, was not in a vegetative state and had minimal consciousness. There are also doctors in Poland who are ready to help the Pole. The "Alarm Clock" clinic also agreed to provide him with care, having extensive experience with patients who were awakened from complicated comas. The Polish court agreed to transport Mr. Sławomir to his homeland. Therefore, all that remains is the consent of the English health authorities. If that can be attained, then there still may be a chance to save the Pole.


Members of Mr. Sławomir's family undertook numerous activities to save his life. The Ordo Iuris Institute also intervened in this matter. Lawyers, acting on on behalf of the family, brought Sławomir’s case before the United Nations Disability Committee but the matter was unfortunately rejected.


“I am desperate, but I still hope that the actions of the Polish government will bring a positive result and that my son will find himself in Poland. I am very grateful to the Ministry of Justice for the initiative and the work they do. I also hope that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is making every effort with regard to my son. I would like to thank Ordo Iuris from the bottom of my heart for their help and commitment.Thank you for all your support and prayers.” - says Jolanta Szpaczyńska, mother of Mr. Sławomir.

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